{s this mimics the sound thing from aol. if the file that is requested to be played does not exist it will ask the user to send it
in order for this to work you have to have sound requests on under options /sound on
this script uses /snd pong.wav or what ever sound clip you wish to use
you must have the sound files in your mirc/sounds/ dir for this to work

/snd /splay $1 | /msg $chan {s $1

;claws03's {s script ;[
on *:TEXT:{s*:#:{
if ($exists($mircdir $+ \sounds\ $+ $2) == $true) {
/splay $2
else /msg $nick ! $+ $nick $2 | set %ssound $2
on 1:GETFAIL:%ssound:{
/echo failed %ssound from $nick
on 1:FILERCVD:%ssound:{
/splay %ssound

For you weirdoes with ircn, use this for your remotes instead.
You have to manually edit the path on 2 lines for this to work correctly

on *:TEXT:{s*:#:{
if ($exists(c:\ircn\wav\ $+ $2) == $true) {
/splay $2
elseif ($exists(c:\ircn\mp3\ $+ $2) == $true) {
/splay $2
else /msg $nick ! $+ $nick $2 | set %ssound $2
on 1:GETFAIL:%ssound:{
/echo failed %ssound from $nick
on 1:FILERCVD:%ssound:{
/splay %ssound


This is a helper script for #codblackjack using a dialog box and buttons so you don't have to type all your commands manually. The first time you run this you need to specify the channel name ex '/bj #codblackjack' then after that you can call it up with /bj

/bj /dialog -m sample sample | if ($1 != $null) { set %blackjackhelperchan $1 }

dialog sample {
title "#codblackjack helper"
size -1 -1 47 40
option dbu
button "deal",103,2 2 20 11,
button "hit",104,25 14 20 11,
button "stand",105,2 14 20 11,
button "double",106,2 26 20 11,
edit "20",5, 25 2 20 10
button "exit",101,25 26 20 11,cancel
menu "extra", 6
item "all", 7, 6
item "rating", 8, 6
item "shuffle", 9, 6
item "web", 10, 6
On *:DIALOG:sample:edit:5: if ($did(sample,5).text < 1) { /did -o sample 5 1 1 | halt } | if ($did(sample,5).text > 500) { /did -o sample 5 1 500 | halt }
On *:DIALOG:sample:sclick:103:/msg %blackjackhelperchan .deal $did(sample,5).text
On *:DIALOG:sample:sclick:104:/msg %blackjackhelperchan .hit
On *:DIALOG:sample:sclick:105:/msg %blackjackhelperchan .stand
On *:DIALOG:sample:sclick:106:/msg %blackjackhelperchan .dd
On *:DIALOG:sample:menu:7:/msg %blackjackhelperchan .all
On *:DIALOG:sample:menu:8:/msg %blackjackhelperchan .rating
On *:DIALOG:sample:menu:9:/msg %blackjackhelperchan .shuffle
On *:DIALOG:sample:menu:10:/msg %blackjackhelperchan .web


age - Tells a chat room how old you are. change the month date and time to your birthdate in military time.

ex: /age


/age { /me is $calc(($ctime - $ctime(june 30 17:14:00 1976)) / 31556952) years old }


speed - Test the speed of your computer and everone else's in the chat room (who is runnig this code that is)

ex: /speed to the chat room


/speed {
/msg $chan !speedtest
set %protest $ticks | /set %i 1 | :start | if ($calc($ticks - %protest) <= 100) { /inc %i | goto start } | :end | /say [ CPU speed at $calc(%i * 1.) $+ Mhz ]


on 1:TEXT:*!speedtest*:#: set %protest $ticks | /set %i 1 | :start | if ($calc($ticks - %protest) <= 100) { /inc %i | goto start } | :end | /msg $chan [ computer speed is $calc(%i * 1.) $+ Mhz ]


uptime - Test the amount of time eveyone in chat has had there computer runnig without a reboot

ex: /uptime to the chat room


/up {
/msg $chan !uptime
/say Uptime: $duration($calc($ticks / 1000))


on 1:TEXT:*!uptime*:#:/msg $chan Uptime: $duration($calc($ticks / 1000))

Aol Deop - This deops any aol people as soon as they join the chat room just for good measure (I know people just joining are not oped, humor value). edit the room names as needed



on 1:JOIN:#cod,#codtemp: if ($right($site,11) == ipt.aol.com) { /mode $chan -o $nick }


Used to op or deop a nick on every channel you have ops on

/opall set %totalchannels $comchan($1,0) | set %chancounter 0 | :loop | inc %chancounter | if ($me isop $comchan($1,%chancounter)) { if ($1 !isop $comchan($1,%chancounter)) mode #$comchan($1,%chancounter) +o $1 } | if (%chancounter => %totalchannels) goto end | goto loop | :end | unset %totalchannels

/deopall set %totalchannels $comchan($1,0) | set %chancounter 0 | :loop | inc %chancounter | if ($me isop $comchan($1,%chancounter)) { if ($1 isop $comchan($1,%chancounter)) mode #$comchan($1,%chancounter) -o $1 } | if (%chancounter => %totalchannels) goto end | goto loop | :end



Chat Room Controls - This will add a menu (called claws) when you right click a persons name in the nick list

So far this does 3 things

1. Ops the selected person on every room you and that person share (as long as you have ops yourself)
2. DeOps the selected person on every room you and that person share (as long as you have ops yourself)
3. Figures out the ip adress of the selected person
4. Adds the selected user to your auto op list in the *!user@host format
5. Removes the selected user from your auot op list


.Op this nick on every chan: /opall $snick(#,1)
.Deop this nick on every chan: /deopall $snick(#,1)
.Resolve ip: /dns $snick(#,1)
.Add to auto op: /aop -w $address($snick(#,1),0)
.Remove from auto op: /aop -rw $address($snick(#,1),0)


Shower - This code is used to see when the people in the channel had last showered
use /setshower the next time you actually take a shower, to set the shower date for this script

by typing /shower into a channel it will string the channel and say the last time you showerd

/shower {
/say !shower | if (%shower == $null) { /msg $chan i currently have not showered | halt } | /msg $chan last shower was $duration($calc($ctime - %shower))

/setshower {
set %shower $ctime
/msg $me shower date has been set on %showerdate

on 1:TEXT:*!shower*:#: if (%shower == $null) { /msg $chan i currently have not showered | halt } | /msg $chan last shower was $duration($calc($ctime - %shower))


Reverse ban- when you are banned this code attempts to deop the person who baned you, then unban your self, then kick the person who banned you. You need to change the channel name(s) as you feel fit
Remotes: on 1:BAN:#cod: if ($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) { /kick $chan $nick | /mode $chan +b $address($nick, 2) | /mode $chan -b $banmask }


Op Cycle - taken from link
Remotes: on *:PART:#: { if (($nick != $me) && ($me !isop $chan) && ($nick($chan,0) == 2)) {
echo 3 -t $chan *** Cycling $chan | hop -cn $chan
on *:QUIT: { var %chan, %c = 1
while ($chan(%c)) { set %chan $ifmatch | inc %c
if (($nick(%chan,0) == 2) && ($me !isop %chan)) {
echo 3 -t %chan *** Cycling %chan | hop -cn %chan



Any other code to add to this or ideas msg me on irc or aim!